Yoga Essentials for Beginners

Yoga is all about connecting the mind and body with the nature. It helps to calm down the mind and body with regular yoga practice. You can either join a class or do it at home with online videos or DVDs. Practicing yoga for the first time may be a daunting experience, but you don’t need to worry for long. Here are few essentials for yoga beginners!

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Yoga Mat

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Yoga mat is one of the most essential things while practicing yoga. You should be careful regarding the thickness of the mat. Always try to buy a mat that is thick enough, which would give extra cushioning to the knees and legs. Also, try to have a smoother one so that your knees don’t get hurt. Even if you have yoga classes to attend, carry your own personal mat with yourself. Wash your mat every alternate day.

Handy Towels

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If you sweat a lot, it is always better to carry a towel with yourself to the yoga class. Towels should always be handy and if you are planning to buy a big one, you can proceed with the same. On instances when you happen to forget your mat at home, you can always use a towel. Never do yoga directly on the floor.


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If you think blocks are used just to hold poses, then you are lacking some knowledge. Blocks are versatile props with numerous uses and that every yoga seeker must have. Not only one, but you can surely use two blocks at the same time. Two blocks can be easily used to support the body parts and stretch easily. They can easily be used to support hands and legs when you are not able to reach the certain posture or reach the floor easily.

Yoga Straps or Bands

Yoga Essentials for Beginners

Yoga straps are best for yoga beginners as they help you reach the floor while maintaining a perfect posture without any extra efforts. Yoga straps are required by every yoga practitioner as they provide length and help the limbs stretch. Yoga straps are mandatory for people who don’t have a flexible body.

A Blanket

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You might have observed various people using blankets while practicing yoga. Yogis sometimes find it difficult to maintain the posture. Blankets are especially for beginners who experiencee joint pains frequently. It also helps with excess cushioning.

Water Bottle

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Always carry a water bottle with yourself to yoga classes. You must always keep yourself well hydrated. Keep drinking water and then continue with the schedule. If you stay without drinking water for long time, you will feel giddiness and might become unconscious if your fitness level isn’t high. Be hydrated, stay fit!

Your Own Self

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While practicing yoga, you must be there 100%, mentally and physically. Being on time is one of the basic rules you should follow while practicing yoga as one of its motives is to teach you discipline. You need to be there for yourself in order to reap maximum benefits for yoga whether you are practicing it to lose weight or to relieve stress.

These were some of the basic essential of yoga for beginners.

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3 thoughts on “Yoga Essentials for Beginners

  1. This is a very informative post, I didn’t know about the utility of yoga blocks though I had seen it at the gym.

  2. you have compiled are the required materials indeed!!! My Yoga teacher always insisted on not drinking even water 20minutes before and after Yoga sessions

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