How to Bleach and Lighten Your Hair with Lemon Juice

In this post, let’s learn a little about how you can bleach and lighten your hair with lemon juice to get natural looking highlights. You won’t be needing any harsh chemicals and the results would be slow but all natural. So, let’s get started!

Bleach to lighten hair

How lemon works?

Lemon juice contains 5 percent citric acid, which is an oxidizing agent that absorbs into the hair cortex. The acid works in tandem with sunlight’s UV rays. The heat of the sun opens up hair cuticles and the lemon juice lifts color, which allows the sun to bleach your strands. This method works best when you know you will be spending your day outside into the sun. You need to repeat the process after every few days to get desired results. Results might take time according to your hair colour, but the highlights are more natural looking and there are no harsh chemicals used in the process.

What you will need?


For Normal Hair
1. 1 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed
2. 1/4 cup warm water

For Dry Hair
1. 1 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed
2. 1/4 cup conditioner (as lemon can be a bit drying)

How to do it?


1. Mix the lemon juice and the warm water together and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
2. Spritz this mixture onto your damp hair.
3. Now you can go out in the sunlight to activate the acids in lemon. Do not forget to wear sunscreen.
4. After few hours, take a shower and deep condition your hair to avoid drying of strands.
5. If you have dry hair, then instead of water use conditioner to mix with lemon juice. Then scoop the mixture out with your hand and rub it over your hair. Then, use a wide-tooth comb to comb the lemon juice and conditioner through your hair. Go out in the sun and rinse it off after!
6. Repeat the process weekly until your hair turns the color that you want.
7. Be patient with this method, it surely works but takes time but you can be assured that your hair will not be damaged. It might get a bit dry and you can always use conditioner but there will be no harm.

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