How to Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation

Everyone wants a flawless skin, but because of some environmental conditions and our lifestyle habits our skin could develop dark patches and an uneven skin tone. Let’s find out some dos and don’ts for hyperpigmentation in this post.

Rid Hyper pigmentation

What is hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition in which parts of the skin becomes darker because of the overproduction of melanin in our skin. The parts affected could be tiny or large parts of the body and it can happen on any part of your body. It is usually a harmless and treatable condition and could happen to anyone due to any number of reasons.

Rid Hyper pigmentation

What causes hyperpigmentation?

  • Excessive sun exposure is the major cause of hyperpigmentation. Harmful UV radiation of the sun rays causes an imbalance in melanin production, which could result in dark patches.
  • Certain medicines have side effects because hyperpigmentation can occur. Too much of iron in the body can also cause it.
  • If you have any skin injury, and if the inflamed area is not taken care of it can also cause dark and uneven patches later.
  • Hormonal changes due to pregnancy or birth control pills are also the reason.
  • Hyperpigmentation is also hereditary. If your mother or grandmother has it, chances are you will develop it at some point of your life too.

Simple tips to get rid of hyperpigmentation


Lemon has citric acid in abundance and can lighten the dark spots effectively. Take lemon juice and add 2-3 drops of coconut oil to it. Apply this mixture on the dark spots and leave it on for 15 minutes. Use this daily to apply on your skin until the dark spots vanish completely.

Rid Hyper pigmentation

Raw Potato

Potatoes have an enzyme called catecholase, which helps to lighten the dark spots, uneven patches and blemishes on the skin. Every alternate day, take out potato’s juice and mix fuller’s earth to it. Apply on the affected areas and wash off. If you want the simplest route, just cut the potato in slices and rub these all over the dark patches daily.

Rid Hyper pigmentation

Cucumber juice

It helps to lighten blemishes and spots on the skin. Just take cucumber juice, honey and lemon juice in equal quantities and apply on the desired areas daily for at least a month to see the difference.

Rid Hyper pigmentation

Apple cider vinegar

It has excellent astringent and skin lightening properties. It helps to restore the original skin color back. Take ACV and water in equal proportions and rinse your face with it twice a day for a few weeks to achieve the desired results.

Rid Hyper pigmentation

Vitamin E

Vitamin E negates the affects of harmful UV rays and it’s the ideal option to choose if you are suffering from hyper pigmentation. Take out the liquid from vitamin E capsules and mix with 3-4 drops of castor oil. Apply this before sleeping and wash your face in the morning. Do this for 2-3 weeks to see the difference in your overall skin tone.

Rid Hyper pigmentation

How to prevent hyperpigmentation?

  • Keep your skin hydrated; drink as much water as you can to flush out the toxins from your body.
  • Avoid exposure to excess sun and heat. Always slather on sun screen before going outside. Use SPF 30 or higher if you are already suffering from hyperpigmentation.
  • Take good care of your skin and follow a proper CTM routine on a regular basis.
  • Eat a balanced diet and avoid junk food.
  • If all these things are not working out for you, never hesitate to consult a doctor.

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

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