10 Things Healthy People Do Every Morning

It’s a beautiful morning, isn’t it? Every bright morning brings with it new hopes, aspirations, and also new challenges, and to face these challenges, you need to be healthy, right? There are some common habits that healthy people follow every morning to kick start their day with renewed energy and vigor.  For me, the morning session is very important.  If my mornings are ruined, my entire day is ruined.  I am not a very organized person, but I get up early in the morning, by 6 AM every day, even if I have slept late in the night.  I do not work out or anything, but I try to sort out things in the morning.  Like I mentioned earlier, all healthy people follow some common habits that help them to stay fit and fine.  Let’s look at 10 things that healthy people do every morning now:

1.  Get up early in the morning:  Obviously, you must have heard the saying, “early to rise, early to bed – makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” I do not vouch for this saying, but certainly getting up early can give you a lot of time to plan your day, to cook healthy food, and to work out. If you get up at 6 AM or 7 AM, and if you are supposed to leave for work at 10 AM, it gives you three hours to work on a lot of things and a little time to do makeup also.  Isn’t that great, so make use of the alarm function on your phone and wake up with the sun 🙂

2. A warm glass of water first thing in the morning:  Flush out toxins from your body with a warm glass of water.  You can squeeze in half a squeeze of lemon and one tbsp of honey too for added benefits and to keep weight in check.  A cup of green tea after the glass warm water would also be great.

3.  Do a bit of workout:  Since you woke up early, why not go for a jog early in the morning or do some stretching exercises or yoga.  If you think that it’s a bit too much and you cannot go to the gym for workout early in the morning, you can do spot jogging or these exercises at home.

4.  Don’t skip breakfast:  Now, this is very important.  Eat a healthy breakfast – corn flakes, oats, eggs, anything that fills you up and is healthy. Don’t munch on junk food early in the morning to feed your hunger pangs, eat healthy and feel healthy.

10 Things Healthy People Do Every Morning

5.  Green juice:  I realize all I am telling you in this post is to drink this, drink that! But flushing out toxins is such an important thing and if you can fast forward the process, isn’t that great? Drink a healthy glass of green juice – here’s one recipe:  Blend together one whole lemon, half a cucumber, generous bunch of spinach leaves, one whole apple, bunch of green grapes, and one inch of ginger.  You can also add celery stalk and kiwi to this juice.  Drink the entire quantity in one go, do not store it for later use.

6.  Declutter your thoughts:  Yes, start the day with positive thinking and renewed vigor.  Don’t feel bad about what had happened yesterday and do not fret about what’s going to happen in the future, it will ruin your day.  Start the day by clearing your mind and with a smile on your face.

7.  Listen to good music:  Music helps you to calm down and to destress.  You should never be stressful in the mornings, music would put you at ease and help you sort out your thoughts.  Put earphones on and sing along your favorite tunes.

8.  Make plans for the day:  Organize the chores you have to do through the day and make a to-do list so that you can make use of your time judiciously.  At the end of the day, you will feel relaxed that you have not wasted the time since all your jobs would be sorted out.

10 Things Healthy People Do Every Morning

9.  Pop in some vitamins:  Even healthy people need tabs and supplements! Take a daily dose of vitamins, minerals, calcium, etc., to give you the energy to face the world.

10.  Pack a bowl of fruits:  Even if you are staying at home or going for work, pack in a bunch of fruit slices to snack on when you are hungry. All of us have hunger pangs, but some of us may resort to unhealthy junk foods, but healthy people will always reach out for fruits, so don’t forget, make sure you always have fruits in your bag to munch on 🙂

10 Things Healthy People Do Every Morning

What do you do every morning to stay healthy, do share with us 🙂

Image Sources:  1, 2, 3, 4.

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8 thoughts on “10 Things Healthy People Do Every Morning

  1. I dont do green juice 😛 and may be declutter and music I dont do often
    Baki sab in place 😛 wonder if I am healthy hahaha

  2. I want to have a morning routine like this. Some I do, some I don’t. I figured out the key to leading a good lifestyle is waking up early.

  3. nice post jomol!! this post came in at an apt time i think 🙂 Was ruminating over some silly thoughts and the ‘declutter’ point actually made me smile!

  4. Me follows almost all ….includes green juice (i hope aloe vera juice counts )
    Except wake up in the morning……am an owl ,
    i just cant get up early in the morning! 🙁

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