9 Ways to Get Healthy and Clear Skin with Ice Cubes

An ice cube is one of the most inexpensive ingredients that can be used over face to get a clear and beautiful skin. Who does not want a clear and glowing complexion, that too by using some natural products? We all know how wonderful water is for our body and skin, so how can its frozen form be any harmful! Today, let me inform you all how you can get healthy skin and maintain it by using ice cubes.

1. Allows Your Makeup to Last Longer
Ice cubes are used by beauty experts so that their makeup stays longer, and does not melt off too soon. All you need to do is take some ice cubes in a handkerchief and rub it on the face. Repeating this process thoroughly once all around the face and neck, and then applying the makeup can help it to stay on your face for longer.

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2. For Brightening Effect
If you want natural skin whitening and brightening effects over skin, you can make your own special ice cubes at home. Adding some drops of lemon to the water and then freezing them together can prove beneficial for your skin. You can massage your face with these ice cubes once during the day, and once during night. Lemon will help to give a natural brightening and whitening effect.

pink skin cubes

3. Takes Care of Acne
Ice cubes are one of the efficient remedies to take care of acne. Applying ice on acne not only helps to get rid of acne, but also helps to calm down the swollen skin. In addition to that, acne is a cause of bacterial reactions on the skin, and rubbing ice cubes over it can help to prevent such bacterial reactions.

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4. For Skin Allergies
Ice cubes can also be used to clean skin allergies and calm down the inflammation and irritation, if any. Simply rubbing ice cubes is also beneficial or you can make your own customised ice cubes too. Add some drops of coconut oil or any other essential oil of your choice to mineral water and freeze it. You can use these ice cubes everyday or even before applying makeup.

5. Get Rid of Tanning
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Ice cubes contain a lot of cooling and soothing effect that helps to calm down the skin burns and get rid of skin tanning. Ice cubes made with grated potato juice with just a bit of lemon juice can get rid of dark spots and tanning with regular use. Rubbing some ice cubes over tanned skin can help to get rid of the dead cells effectively. This is one of the most effective ways to calm burned skin.

Potato juice ice cubes

6. For Fresh and Clean Skin
If you are obsessed with clean, radiant and gorgeous skin, you surely need to incorporate ice cubes in your daily routine. Simply rubbing ice cubes over skin can help to prevent bacterial function from taking place, thus preventing acne and pimples over face. Rubbing ice cubes helps to rejuvenate the skin, which, in turn, gives you fresh and glowing skin.

7. Reduces Puffiness of Eyes
Due to its excellent cooling properties, ice cubes can help to reduce the puffiness of the eyes. Puffy eyes can easily be treated with eye cubes, all you need to do is take some ice cubes wrap it in a cloth and rub it around your eyes for a few minutes, concentrating more on under eye areas.

8. For Effortless Waxing

Generally, every woman faces some pain while waxing and this can become worse if it’s your first time. Rubbing some ice cubes over your freshly waxed parts can help to get rid of inflamed skin and it also reduces pain. You can take some green tea water and freeze it in the ice tray. Rubbing green tea ice cubes can help to reduce inflammation and it also prevents bacteria from breeding.

9. Painless Plucking
Plucking can be one of the most painful things you can experience. Plucking unwanted hair can lead to worst pain leading to swollen skin. Rubbing some ice cubes over your brows before plucking will make the part a little numb which will make plucking an easier process. Repeat the process after plucking eyebrows, as it prevents redness.

Bonus Tip:

10. An Effective Chewing Gum Remover
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Did you know a small chewing gum on your hair can damage it? Ice cubes can prove to be a saviour at your end, as rubbing ice cubes can make the chewing gum hard making it lose it stickiness. This will make taking the gum off your hair easier, saving your hair.

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5 thoughts on “9 Ways to Get Healthy and Clear Skin with Ice Cubes

    1. Before applying ice on your face…massage your face with few drops of olive oil and then gently rub with ice on to your face…you can get rid of dryness

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