Benefits of After Bath Body Oils

Benefits of After Bath Body Oils

Benefits of After Bath Body Oils

I shall begin with a few seemingly unrelated facts:

• I LOVE attending certain classes in college – so much so that I’m always on time for an 8 am lecture taken by a teacher I admire (I secretly want to be like her when I “grow up”). Before you pelt me with rotten eggs for cracking a very premature All Fools Day joke, I want to plead my case and yell, “Yeh sab sach hai, judge sahib!”

• My skin is as dry as that leaf on the road in autumn which you go out of your way to step on so as to hear it “crunch”. On days that I skip moisturising myself, I look like this:


• I never skip on my morning showers unless I’m lying-on-deathbed-with-sobbing-mother-by-side kind of ill.

• I have only lived in places with harsh winters where people spend several months every year shivering 24X7, moving shower hours to night time, skipping early morning classes/routine, eating too many peanuts, bloating up like Dolly Bindra, and updating pretty winter wardrobes.

Despite that, I STILL want my morning shower and I STILL want to attend my classes on time. More importantly, I STILL want my skin to sing the “utterly butterly delicious” jingle for itself and marvel at its own softness. The last bit used to be possible only when I drowned it in litres of body lotions and wasted 10-15 precious winter minutes of my life every day on this nonsensical routine while humming dumb 90’s songs like “Neela Dupatta! Peela Suit!” or “Bhangra Pa Le! Aa Ja, Aa Ja!” (that’s my only vice, I swear). I’ve always ended up being late all because of this necessary evil of keeping my skin from looking like barren land in the Gobi desert.


Then, I moved to Europe for sometime and discovered my saviour in fancy-looking after-bath body oils that I am actually going to nominate for the Nobel Prize in Awesomeness when I become the Dictator of the World. I am pretty sure that they existed in India too at that time but in Europe, it seems that they are marketed much more vigorously.

So, what exactly does an after-bath body oil do? Let’s just say that it has the same effect on your body as lots of gold has on Scrooge McDuck. It’ll go bonkers with delight and will stay happy for hours altogether AND it makes you smell sweet as a Disney princess. Your damp body absorbs the skin-plumping nutrients with better ease immediately after a bath. The oil helps seal the moisture in your skin and nourishes it far more than any fancy-pansy cream with half a million harmful chemicals. It also saves you oodles of time that you normally waste in applying silly little lotions and that you can employ in better pursuits instead – learning the steps to a Govinda song, for example. For lazy bums, this is as close to slacker Nirvana as they can get.

The Smartass Guide to Soft Skin:

Step out of the shower/bath and draw cheeky tongue-displaying faces on the steam-covered mirror (this is optional and only for the ohmygodaciously awesome).  On your wet body, pat in generous amounts of the after-bath oil, especially on extra dry areas like knees and elbows. Wait for 10-15 seconds to let it soak in and meanwhile, pout into the mirror just like you’ve seen crazy 16-year olds do on Facebook (again optional). Then, pat yourself dry. The oil won’t soak completely in and you’ll towel some off, but if you’re left feeling like a wet seal, then you used too much. Finally, aim a kick at your loser of a body lotion, yell “Haaa yeeeeeeeeeah!” and with such a fine Kung Fu start, get ready for a super-soft-skin day.

When I moved back to India nearly three years ago, I could only find a measly excuse for an after bath oil in the form of Biotique Carrot Seed Oil or something. Later, I discovered the wonderful FabIndia Seabuckthorn Bath Oil and sang paeans to it for sometime. Then, I got bored and decided to blow up big money on the same oils that I had started with and started ordering them online. Finally, I grew up and realised that I could –ahem– “invest” the money that I spend on these oils in shopping for other things and making poor little me very happy. So, to solve my problem, I decided to make my own after-bath oil instead. It’s one of the easiest DIY home recipes and does not take longer than a Hero Honda advertisement.

You will need:

Coconut oil – 2 parts
Sweet almond oil – 1 part
Olive oil – 1 part
Vitamin E capsules – 3-4

Store them all in a plastic/glass bottle in your bathroom and when they go all frozen and dead on you, just plunge the bottle in boiling hot water straight from the geyser. These are the basic ingredients. You can mix and match anything else according to your whim.

Here are a few variations that I use:

Aroma Magic Happiness Essential Oil.

I add about 4-5 drops of it. It is a happy, wake-me-up kind of oil mix and it preps up your whole day with its effects. Since I’m normally quite hyperactive anyway (with coffee adding to it), this oil makes me feel like I’ve consumed what our athletes take in order to win (and after an enquiry, eventually lose) their medals.

Vanilla oil or plain vanilla essence (the kind you use in cakes):

This is what goes into my regular oil mix. I have a slightly unhealthy obsession for vanilla but I could never find its oil. So, I stole my mum’s stock of vanilla extract (that has made her hide all her bakery-related items), added a teaspoon of it to my mix and it works just as well. It smells so marvellous sometimes that I’m afraid I’ll end up licking my arms someday and then I’ll be shunned by society as a weirdo – or be invited into the Bigg Boss house (this is more likely these days).

Cinnamon Essential Oil:

I got a complementary bottle from somewhere and I had no idea what to do with a spicy scent like that. Apparently, even the smell of cinnamon warms you up in winter. So, I decided to mix it up in the bath oil once. It’s apparently very potent and needs to be heavily diluted. The rumours all true. Cinnamon makes you warm and fuzzy and gives you a superhero-like power to face winter. I save it for the teeth-chattering-cold month of January when I can’t see my own hand outside in the fog and the city looks like a set from some seedy old-time Bollywood horror flick.

Lavender Essential Oil:


Lavender is a great way to battle insomnia and if you’re one of those lazy bums who shower at night instead of in the morning, you could add plain lavender essential oil to your mix. It’ll end all your reverse-sheep-counting nights and will effect a remarkable transition in you from a sleep-deprived zombie into a fresh well-rested superhuman.



I put in just a pinch or two of the spice and make this variety in October when I want to get rid of my swimming tan. It is a great way to brighten up the skin a little. However, this one takes time to prepare because I heat the oil after mixing saffron it in and leave it aside for a few hours. Only use a dark glass bottle for this purpose and heat the oil in it in a pan of boiling water (don’t let the bottle touch the pan unless you want it to break with a loud crunch).



At the risk of being attacked by zombies, vampires, ghosts and other sinister forces, I sneak out into my backyard late at night and nick a rose or two (I’ve been forbidden to pluck the flowers by my gardening-obsessed parents), and use the dry leaves in the oil mix for the fragrance. It needs to be heated just like the saffron mix and it smells divine. In case you need to steal roses too, mail me for advice on fox-like craftiness.

For Blotting Paper-Obsessed Beauties:

I know a lot of oily-skinned people will be wary of trying this idea but it works wonderfully well for any kind of skin. If almond, coconut and olive oils sound “too heavy”, substitute them with lighter stuff like grapeseed, sesame or jojoba oils. You can be as creative as you like with this and add dried herbs like chamomile, neem or mint (you would need to heat the oil for this) or an essential oil like tea tree oil. You could also try wiping the oil off immediately after applying it instead of waiting for 10-15 seconds. It would mean giving up on mirror drawings but c’est la vie. You have to make certain sacrifices.


Some tips to make it successful:

• Make it in small batches. I make mine just enough to last me a fortnight. That way, it is always fresh.
• Oil in the bathroom is a clumsy girl’s nightmare. Always be careful when you use it and don’t drop it around too much. More importantly, keep the bathroom dance routines to a bare minimum. I, for one, only hum a little ditty and jiggle from side to side. Complicated jumping jacks are to be performed only on dry floors.
• Keep separate towels for your body and face. You do not want your face to sprout painful little volcanoes thanks to the comedogenic coconut oil on the towel.
• If your skin is as dry as mine, I’d also suggest massaging a little lotion/petroleum jelly late at night (don’t bother with it in the mornings) on your dryness-prone areas to further lock in that elusive moisture.
• Make sure that you wash the bottles properly before pouring out each new batch of oil. If you use a shower oil in the morning from a bottle which previously housed lavender-infused oil, nothing (no, not even Popeye’s spinach power) can save you from snoring on your desk by noon.

Try this for a week and see how wonderfully it works. Then, send me a cheesecake and a cheque for $1 million along with a video of you dancing with joy, preferably to the tune of some godawful early Britney Spears song.

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Beauty Benefits of Neem (Indian Lilac)
Skin Benefits of Yogurt
Aloe Vera: Beauty Benefits
Health & Beauty Benefits of Papaya
Chamomile Tea and its Benefits
Health and Beauty benefits of Coconut Oil
Health and Beauty Benefits of Emu Oil
Health Benefits of Tea
Health and Beauty Benefits of Orange
Health & Beauty Benefits of Rose Oil
Mango For Skin: Summer Beauty Benefits
Pumpkin – Health and Beauty Benefits
Health and Beauty Benefits Of Tomato
Banana Beauty Benefits, Applications And Tips
Beauty Benefits Of Watermelon: Summer Skin Care Secrets
Almonds Health and Beauty Benefits
Benefits of Sandalwood (Chandan)
Health and Beauty Benefits of Olive Oil


58 thoughts on “Benefits of After Bath Body Oils

  1. I thoroughly enjoy reading your articles JW….. :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho: its such a pleasure from the beginning till the last word…. :balle: :balle:

    1. Jomol! :woot: Thankee for the praise! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: So happy you like it. :balle: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

  2. I like using Oriflame’s wonder oil after bath….it’s a great smelling oil too….but your recipe is too good to resist….I will try that pucca :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

  3. you, my friend, have an amazing gift for writing!! :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho: i hv been super busy with exams n stuff lately, so hardly get time to visit the blog as of now, but when YOU write an article, i HAVE to leave everything else aside :hypnotized: :hypnotized: :hypnotized: :hypnotized: n spend my precious 5-10 mins thoroughly enjoying the treat! :party: :party: :party:
    i’ll definitely try out some of those recipes once i m free! thanks a bunch!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :puchhi:

    1. Thankee, Tinkerbell! 😀 :woot: :dance:
      And bloody exams are spoiling everyone’s party these days! :hunterwali: I am going through the same pain. :headbang: Terribly annoying when all you want to do is just sit in a comforter and read stuff on IMBB. 😛

  4. Girl, You are really blessed with the power of writing…I turned to black coffee (like black magic) after reading your post…will surely try this recipe…thanks a ton 🙂

  5. I love you Jabbu….. seriously love you…. :teddy: :teddy: :teddy: :teddy: :teddy:
    for now im usiing bio oil but I will follow the oil recipe… and maybe i shuld oil me everyday now… I just saw i have scales on the elbows 🙁

    1. Jabbu? HAHAHAHA!
      Thankee, Queen Bee! 😛 :woot: :woot: :puchhi:
      Please oil yourself every day. I start getting scaly elbows and knees from late September onwards. :yuck: Only my oil helps me survive winters without being mistaken for a species of desert lizard. :silly:

  6. It’s such a pleasure to read your articles JW. it’s kinda stressbuster. You are such an awesome writer. :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

    I used to use oil on body once upon a time and “it used to have the same effect on my body as lots of gold has on Scrooge McDuck.” :yahoo: :yahoo: bt then i got addicted to all the other stuff in the present in the world of skincare and beauty. 😐 I guess i will bring back my jonson’s baby oil back. it used to work so awesomely on my skin and i keep my bathroom dancings to bare minimum. :dumb: :dumb:

    1. Thankee for the kind words, Rati! :woot: :-*
      And I totally get what you mean by the innumerable choices in the beauty world. It’s even more than the candy options for kids! :woot: :woot: I feel sorry for straight guys who can’t appreciate it all. 😛
      Do try getting back to the oil method though. It’s one of the simplest things ever. 😀 It lets me get away with my laziness too. :woot: :yahoo: :dance:

  7. @rati i guess baby oil has mineral oil in them… u may go for sesame almond or olive oil also.. pr yeah due to my lack f knowledge i dnt xactly mention benefits.. even mustard one works fine :specs: :specs: :specs:

  8. alternatively u gals puncture vit E capsue in bathing scrub once a week… besan+turmeric+ milk… it works like a magic wand… all u do it to feel feel n feel soft n smooth body… O:) O:) O:) O:) O:) O:)

  9. Loved the way you have written the article. Thoroughly refreshing :waytogo: :waytogo: ..Will sure try out some of these tips… :haanji:

  10. Hi.lovd readind d article :thanks: :thanks: ,but can u do this after bath oil application everyday?And also wont the body skin be excessively oily throughout the day ?

    1. It depends on what kind of skin you have. If you’ve severely oily skin, it’s up to you how often you want to do it. In case of dry skin, it’s best to do it every day. And no, it doesn’t leave your skin oily. You’ll only have a thin film of oil on the skin but that won’t make your clothes oily and it’ll soon be soaked by the skin anyway. Or you could just oil your wet body, pour a mug or two of water over yourself and then pat dry. That’ll take definitely care of the excess oil. 😀

  11. OMG what an article!!!! I was hooked from beginning to end :woot: :woot:
    Just adore the way u write gal!! Cant take my eyes off the screen or the smile off my face when I’m reading ur articles :waytogo: :waytogo: :waytogo:
    “If you use a shower oil in the morning from a bottle which previously housed lavender-infused oil, nothing (no, not even Popeye’s spinach power) can save you from snoring on your desk by noon.”
    😆 😆 😆 😆

    1. Oh, man! I remember using that Keo Karpin shit may years ago. :reallyangry: The blood thing gave me such severe dandruff that it still haunts me in my sleep sometimes. :ghost2: :headbang:

  12. Awesome awesome awesome price of writing !!! You have a gift girl… Use it wisely and I can guarantee you will go places!!! Very informative post. Will surely try it asap:)) :yes: :thanks:

    1. Thankee for the kind words, Ekta! :woot: :hugleft:
      Glad you liked the post. Hope the method works well for you too. 😀 :dance:

  13. Oil after bath…Sounds… poncy. :hihi: :lol2: But jokes aside,I do plan on trying it out soon. 😀 Soon being a relative term. 🙄 I really need to work if I want to have soft and smooth skin. :silly:
    And now I shall proceed to bookmark this so that I can look at it again when I’m less sluggish. :yawn:

    1. Poncy! 😀 Hahahaha! What a term to describe it! :rotfl: I assure you that it’s not poncy at all, Pragny. 😛 Can be pretty useful, especially for slackers. :woot: And you don’t need to work too hard to get soft skin – just try this oil method, use a good moisturising bodywash, keep a moisturiser handy, and banish all soaps from your beauty kingdom. :phoolan: :happydance:

    1. Thank you, Vid! :woot: :woot: Yes, do try it. It’s best to check it out in winters anyway because that’s when your skin needs maximum moisture. 😀

  14. Jabberwocky!!!!!!!Ur writing style is a dream come true…I lurveeeeeeeeeeeeeee ur posts….dey are amaaaaaaazing!!!!! n m starting to lurveeeeeeeeeeeee you too!!!!!!!!!!!! you are completely ohmygodaciously awesome :puchhi: :heart: :heart: :inlove: :inlove:
    plz tell me you have a blog of your own…..i COULD JUZ READ N READ N READ ur stuff over n over again :teddy:

    1. Haha, thankee for all the praise and love, KrazzyKi! :woot: :woot: You are ohmygodaciously awesome too. :-*
      And sorry to disappoint you but I don’t have a personal blog. Used to have one 5-6 years ago but blogging lost its charm for me later. :silly:

  15. You are JabardastWhacky… :toothygrin: I njoy humour.. 🙂 I dun have dry skin..yet I rub a bit of Vasekine Petrolum Jelly on semi wet sking…It absorbs quickly & make you fall in love with your own skin after 10 mins flat.. :love:

  16. have been backtracking and reading ur blogs since i read the acne blog..
    simply lovely!!!! :balle:
    I have the exact dry skin probs like u! i feel so relieved knowing that m not alone :makeup:
    Keep up d gr8 wrk babe!! :waytogo: :waytogo:

  17. BTW… JW, would you please recommend some gud after bath oils that i can buy? too lazy to make all the stuff myself.. Besides i love the awesome aromatic stuff!!! O:)

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