Celebrity Beauty Tricks

Celebrity Beauty Tricks

SELENA GOMEZ at Hotel Transylvania Premiere in Los Angeles

In our pursuit of supple, hydrated and glowing skin, we often end up making mistakes.  We sometimes end up blindly copying the beauty secrets of celebrities, which sometimes sound too good to be true. Cat litter to exfoliate? RED wine to bath in? Who could even stand that smell and afford to bathe in red wine? Fret not, this article is here to help you make a sane decision which will help keep you, your pocket and your well-deserving skin.

Tricks To Pass Down For Generations To Come:

Follow these and you are sure to be at peace with your skin and most importantly yourself:

Spoon eyelash curler

1.)Using Spoon as an eyelash Curler: Who wants to spend extra cash on some high-fly eyelash curler, save that money for your next Chanel purchase and use a spoon instead. This even reduces the risk of losing those pretty lashes when in a hurry. Miranda Kerr swears by it and some pretty resourceful and thrifty people as well. Just run some hot water over the spoon and holding your lashes with the thumb, and against the curved part of the spoon and brush the spoon in upward direction. Voila, perfectly curled lashes in seconds!

2.) Using lip balm to get bright eyes and add instant glow to your face:

Miranda Kerr

I had once seen a video on a site of Miranda Kerr telling how if she’s late in the morning, she will just apply some lip balm on her brow- bone to add an instant glow to her face.  “Well, I have tried it and you can even use some tinted ones instead of eye shadow to get the job done on those lazy days or when you are broke to not be able to afford another tin of your favourite eye shadow or an extra tube of that highlighter.” This woman is sure quite resourceful and thrifty, no wonder her husband won’t leave her side! Just remember to use a natural product and please, don’t use a lip gloss as it will only clog your pores and don’t even think about using an expired product as it would only hurt the people more than seeing you bare faced. Don’t ask how I know that.

3.) Using Beer as a hair conditioner:

the 2009 Producers Guild Awards

Catherine Zeta- Jones and Malaika Arora – Khan swear by it and so does my mother. Best part about using beer is that you can use any variety of brew, even those really cheap ones. After shampooing and towel drying, massage some beer into your hair keeping it for five minutes and then washing it off. Then, alcohol content washes off any extra build up as well!

4.) Olive oil directly as a skin moisturiser:

Julia Roberts

Nargis Fakhri prefers it over those pricey moisturizers and Julia Roberts uses it to keep her hands soft and supple like a new-born’s. After showering, directly apply extra virgin olive oil all over your body, it is even great to remove those hard to get rid of stretch marks. Julia Roberts often dunks her hand in a small bowl of olive oil and it sure does work. Just a tip, opt for the Spanish olive oil instead of the Italian one as most of the Italian olive oil is quite expensive due to its limited availability . I once read an article about how even Italians are being sold refined olive oil instead of the extra virgin one. The best way to test the purity of olive oil is by tasting it. Just like butter, it has its own peculiar taste, it does not taste like your vegetable oils which are the refined ones.

5.) Cinnamon Oil to plump up those irresistible pouts: It sure does work but stings like hell, but then again which plumping product doesn’t? Use in a limited quantity by mixing some in your lip tube to get flushed and sexy lips like Lissa Rina.

6.)Ice to close pores:

Sonakshi Sinha

Courtesy of Sonakshi Sinha, not only is it a cheaper way to close the pores than using a toner, but also makes your cheeks appear flushed and even gives your skin a glow. Some even claim it reduces fines line. Works each time and really wakes you up.

7.) Coffee to get rid of cellulite:

arrives at the 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards held at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 13, 2013 in Beverly Hills, California.

Halle Berry mixes grounded coffee in her body washes to get rid of cellulite and proof is in front of everyone, smooth shiny legs. Coffee not only gets rid of the cellulite but also is a great exfoliator and to top that off has antioxidant properties to help keep your skin healthy, glowing and young. Mix up some sugar to spruce up the combination and get the best of both worlds!

8.) Grape seed oil if you have oily skin or have a host of skin allergies: Emma Stone has a huge list of allergies and uses only grape seed oil to moisturise her face and skin. Apply some after a bath and repeat if you think your skin is dying for more moisture. It is not as heavy as olive or argan oil and is great for teenagers and people with hypersensitive skin. Works wonders for the ones allergic to argon and olive oil.

9.) Olive oil to remove eye makeup: Pretty much every other celebrity including Evan Rachel Wood swear by this trick as it is gentle on skin and doubles as a moisturiser as well!

The ones you shouldn’t!

1.) Using kitty litter for exfoliation:


If the poop smell isn’t enough to put you off, fact is it is actually quite harsh on the skin and takes away the moisture from your skin. I don’t understand why people even ask for beauty tips from Snooki!

2.) Having a wine bath:  If you can afford one….. Marry me? NO, seriously don’t ever try one as it doesn’t work that well and the wine stings like sand on a bruise if you have any cuts or bruises.

3.) Using ketchup to fix bad dye jobs: Does not work at all and it’s fun to be whacky and unpredictable at times. Everybody has had one in their life, so no one will judge you.

4.) Using toothpaste to get rid of acne and blemishes:

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Love-Hewitt’s trick may be a clichéd one, suggested by pretty much everyone never works , instead use some tea tree oil which will work its wonder to give you blemish free skin in no time.

5.) Using haemorrhoid cream to reduce puffiness around the eyes:

Sandra Bullock

I don’t even know what Sandra Bullock was thinking, please don’t use butt cream for the under eye area , just don’t! The area is quite sensitive and won’t be able to handle its strong formula!

6.) Using leeches to stay young:

Demi Moore

Demi Moore travels all the way to Austria for specially trained life sucking insects to suck out all the toxins out of her body. Come on everybody ages, just stick to your exercise, nutritious food and antioxidant drinks regime to stay fit and good looking even at that age. The pain is totally not worth it!

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

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30 thoughts on “Celebrity Beauty Tricks

  1. The one you shouldn’t:
    4) Using toothpaste to get rid of acne and blemishes.

    Well, it has worked everytime on me!!

    1. Never worked for me and I have even heard someóf my friends complain that it doesnt .YOu my friend, are one of the lucky few. *cry* *cry*

      1. When the pimple is just emerging, in its very initial stage ,apply the toothpaste on it for overnight. Apply for just two nights and the pimple will dry up and dissappear!

  2. awesome post vivekina.. *clap* last celebrity tips were really weird and kitty litter yukkkkkk.. *headbang* *hunterwali*

  3. I own a cat and I very well how the cats *poop*smellls .. I can never imagine to wat extent ppl can go but other tips t quite handy and useful *clap* thanks for sharing *clap*

  4. awesome post vivekina!! *clap* *clap* *clap* and OMGG using leeches to suck out toxins out of the skin… are they insane or what?? *spank*

  5. Lmfao at Sandra Bullock’s tip rofl rofl . But Demi Moore must be it doing it right cuz she still looks amazing.. *preen* and Kitty Litter isn’t actually cat poop, its just some kinda clay which absorbs cat and dog wastes. Fresh and unused kitty litter is fine apparently, Michelle Phan swears by it.

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