My 6 Fitness Tips and My Fitness Routine

I think this is probably the most requested post. I get asked about my fitness routine all the time. But if you ask me there are only two rules- eat right and work out. Still I have a few tips that might help some of you and help you get going.

Some disclaimers :

  • I have been working out for almost 4 years now so what you see in my body now is actually a LOT of hard work and dedication over the years.
  • I am no expert. These are the things that work for me so I am sharing with you all. If you have any medical issues you should DEFINITELY consult with your doctor.

So let’s see. 🙂

Be Regular:

One of the most important tips. I mean I work out at least 4 days a week and I have been doing it throughout . If you work out one week with full-on motivation and totally ‘kill it’ in the gym, and then don’t workout for next 2 weeks it is not going to help. Go slow, start slow but be consistent. More than losing weight it is about keeping your body fit. I remember not being able to climb a flight of stairs a few years back without getting tired…I have come a long way since then. You would lose weight but you’d start feeling fit and better if you exercise regularly. Workout is so much more than just being thin. It helps your both physically and mentally. I see women age 60+ working out in my gym regularly. They are for sure not working out to get a hot body. If that does not motivate you enough I don’t know what would.

Eating Right:

I am one of the worst dieters you would ever come across. You put me on a diet and the only thing I’d think about is food. I’d become cranky and on a cheat day I’d binge like the world is going to crash. 😐 So I eat healthy most of the time (mostly dal, sabzi, roti, some salad on the side) and honestly I have started enjoying all the veggies and fruits. I just like them. Plus I am a vegetarian and I eat eggs so quitting on meat or chicken was never my area of concern. I think it is about making healthy choices- picking a whole grain bread over white, eating a pizza with lots of veggies rather than a full on four cheese pizza or eating a bite or two of a chocolate cake rather than devouring it. Also, control your portions. You are not going anywhere. The food is not going anywhere. So you can always eat a portion of your favourite thing in second round after a few hours than gulping it down in one go and making your body suffer for it. If you are in a restaurant, you could always ask them to pack the rest of the know common sense and being responsible for your own well being.

Invest in a good trainer:

A good trainer is an investment. You could find a trainer at most gyms. They’d charge you a bit extra for personal training but it is worth it. You could stop that expense once you get in the routine and you become aware of what works the best for your body. I personally have a lot on my mind on a daily basis so I can’t go to the gym and decide what workout I have to do. I also have a lot of stressful days and days when I am very demotivated ..those are the days when I really need a push. But on your demotivated days also you HAVE to dress up, lace up your shoes and go to the gym. If you don’t turn up only no one can help you. This elaborates my point 1 even more. For those who are pressed on time, girls you have Youtube. It is Godsent, trust me. 😛 Just play anything- a 20 minute workout session, bhangra, loud Bollywood music, jazz , climb the stairs, skip, or whatever gets you going. Just shake that bottay!!! It would do you good. And if you have kids do it with them. wouldn’t it be fun? :)) As Nike would would put it ‘Just do it’.

Don’t fall for fads:

I don’t know of these waist trainers or detox teas work or not.I have never tried them.I struggle to drink a cup of green tea only. 😐 I am sure they work but the first thing is to work hard and then may be you could do these things to push you further. But this is not where you start and expect miracles to happen. The first step is to get regular with your workouts and eat healthy.

Weight Training does not make you a body-builder:

I don’t think anything other than weight training has made my body so toned. I love it. You could get some weights at home only and do the lifts. Especially women have issues with either flabby arms or thighs, weights really help you in getting those muscles toned. You could start with 1-2 kgs weights. If you have nothing those 1 litre bottles are a good start. See, no excuses. 😀 If you are lifting heavy it is always better to do under someone’s guidance so that you don’t injure yourself.

Get comfortable with your body:

This is one of my recent findings but what a charming one. 😀 I was watching Kung Fu Panda the other day and you know the only way he’d stay motivated was ‘food /dimsums’. It got me into thinking what keeps me motivated. It’s clothes. 😀 I have started wearing a lot of crop tops, shorts, long shirts while at home. Not only they help me in getting comfortable with how my body looks but when I keep seeing my waist in the mirror every now and then it helps me refrain from eating that extra Bourbon. I mean it is very weird but it has helped me so much in accepting my body the way it is. Plus I work hard for my body so why not enjoy the benefits rather than being hard on yourself all the time. So see what could keep your going – it could be anything from being fit for your kids to wearing a bikini on the beach or enjoying that luxurious meal with your loved one. Just find what would be your ‘dimsum’.

My fitness routine includes a mish-mash of everything because I get bored and then I crib so you know… So it is a mix of strength, cardio and weight training. I pretty much do everything (not in one go ofcourse) running, jogging, lifting weights, squats, leg curls, arm curls, plank, crunches, skipping (I LOVE IT)… Basically you just move that bum and it’d do good to you. So anything..just move! 🙂  And I workout an hour a day for atleast 4 days a week.

You know at the end of it there no is limit to how far you can go but you should atleast reach a point where you are happy with yourself and you are leading a healthy life. Health is wealth. Learnt it the hard way. 🙂

Hope you find this helpful and I would love to know your tips too. :)) Good Luck! 🙂
Some more fitness posts :
10 Golden Rules to Weight Loss
Confessions of a Serial Dieter
7 Best Weight Loss Books

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39 thoughts on “My 6 Fitness Tips and My Fitness Routine

  1. Good stuff do you manage when you travel? The food is doable but the working out? Or do you just burn it by all the walking about?

    1. aruna if it is a long trip I’d hit a gym every 2-3 days and yes walking. God how much can you walk during these trips. I end up losing weight a lot of time. But if it is let’s say a week long trip, I let go because I know I’d hit the gym anyway once i am back.

  2. Hey Rati,
    I have been planning for more than a year now to go workout, but instead I kept on delaying it and gaining more weight. Today after reading your post, I went for a walk and then did some basic exercises. It felt so good!!!*relaxed* I mean with every drop of sweat dripping I felt more n more relaxed mentally. Thank you so much! Your posts are really motivating. Keep posting more of your fitness pictures, it’s working as a misbum for me(many more like me) ^_^ 🙂

  3. Rati, Thanks a ton for this post. Trust me its highly motivating mainly because we have followed you thru the journey. This goes up on my wall for sure. And ur hot pictures too!

  4. Rati di, you know back in December I showed your before and after picture to my mother. And she didn’t recognize it. She asked me multiple times whether it’s the same person. You’re my motivation to work out. My problem is that I lose and gain really fast. If you have any suggestions to this, please I would love to hear it. And once I’m on vacations, I gain everything that I’m losing. So it demotivates me. I have anyhow continued gymming even after cribbing after every vacations. I’m a work in progress and I hope to get fitter day by day.

    1. awww!!! thanks a ton!! :)) Actually after a travel I feel you always gain weight. I think it is called travel weight. It goes away in a week or 10 days once you get back on your routine. Took a long time to realise it so be patient. 🙂

      I think it is the same with most people. All you can do is to be regular and eat healthy to keep things in control. And sometimes taking help from specialists such as a gyne or a nutritionist helps…if things are totally not in coming control of you. Hope that helps. 🙂

  5. Thank you for writing this post,Rati. I am one of those people who requested you to write about your fitness regime on Instagram. I love exercising in the gym and especially weights. I am bad at cardio and do manage atleast 4 days a week or exercising. While working out comes easy to me I faulter at my eating habbits. More on the food,please,as well?

  6. Amazing post rati dii…
    U simply rock….
    I really love your toned stomach….
    Widh to have such a fit body one day…
    Gonna follow all these tips from tomorrow itself.
    Hope to stay motivated throughout.

  7. I loved reading your post, Rati Di. It was really motivating. The best part is that even once, you didn’t come across as being preachy 🙂 Love you Di 🙂

  8. Awesome and most motivational Post Rati…
    and Truly I will confess today You are one of inspiration for me in getting FAT to FIT.
    I Was Plumpy/Fat (67.5 Kg having high Mass of Body Fat) and then I decided to hit to gym on regular basis followed by healthy diet which led to healthy body and now I am 55 KG which comprises of great muscle mass..and low fat 🙂
    It feels so good that now I can flaunt any dress confidently… 🙂
    Thank you (Y)

  9. Hi rati amazing post. Just started going to gym and it feels awesome. My dimsum is also clothes. I am really conscious about what I eat now so that all this hard work is not wasted. It would be awesome if you can share what you eat generally on weekdays and weekends. I am sure we will definitely get few ideas on healthy eating. Thanks.

  10. Rati Di, you’re so motivating! ♥ I’ll start my weight loss journey (for the second time :P) once my exams are over. BTW.. I wanted to know if you follow a specific diet, If yes, then please do a post about it. ♥

  11. Rati you have always been so beautiful but your transformation is very inspirational. Working hard on oneself, getting out of comfort zone and being dedicated are really hard tasks but you have mastered it all. Your healthy lifestyle plays a major role in my life, and that’s how I have managed to lose 6 kgs so far. This was a much needed post and you have explained so well how weight loss and healthy lifestyle both are about the choices we make, and are not rocket science. I feel more inspired now; I am close to achieving my first major weight goal, all thanks to you. 🙂 :-*

    PS : Aaye ho meri zindagi mein tum bahaar banke. 😀 😛

    1. awww the same goes for you too shikhs. “Aaye ho meri zindagi mein tum bahaar banke.”. and i am so happy that i could inspire you. I hope you reach your goal soon. Wish you love and luck for everything in life. :))

  12. Lovely post but I feel like saying something

    I dont get what others mean by your terrific transfrmation?
    I have seen you back in 2012 pictures and I dont think you were EVER fat or obese

    from what I see you were always normal weight but now have majorly toned up and hv a fab body (it also helps your very tall aswell)

    I dont think u were ever that fat that one cant identify u by pics.(I Mean this in good wat)

    What about girls like me who are obese and literally cant run or do heavy exrcises because of the elephant weight?

    I am 17, 5’1 ft and 85 kgs! Its still better then when I was 92 kgs….I lost some weight by going to gym but it made me very,very ill

    like I said when your obese like me,gymming takes a toll on your health

    I Wonder if people think you were fat some yrs ago, what do they think of someone like me? an elephant?

    P.S Mean ths with the best of intentions so please dont think I am hating

    1. Hi Adrita, I have lots around 20 kgs over a period of time. i a, tall that is both a benefit and loss when i gain weight. Benefit because I can disguise it and loss because I start looking very broad and bulky.

      Awww!! and never use such words for yourself. I think may be you should read this post of mine. I got a lot of backlash for my weight because I mostly lost my weight publicaly. people calling me all sorts of names and hating on me asking me to stop doing fashion and what not. But there was a whole bunch of people who also motivated me to keep going. Plus I stopped caring. I loved dressing up then and I love dressing up now.
      But more than the weight I was worried about my health. The knee pains, not being able to climb a flight of stairs and many such things. it was worrying me. So the idea is to be active and to be comfortable in your body. You look at kardashians. They are curvy women plastic or no plastic so probably they may not even be the ideal weight acc to their height esp kim kardashian. But they look fit and healthy. So even if this weight you are healthy- free of injuries, lead an active lifestyle and comfortable in your skin it IS OKAY.

      My only advice if you want to lose weight is to go slowly but keep going. I started slow and I still slow down because I’d rather go slow than pace myself up and then injure myself.

      I hope that helps. BIG HUG.

  13. Thank you for this post, Rati. Your fitness journey is nothing short of amazing. Can’t agree more on everything that you discussed in the post.
    I hired a personal trainer late last year and it has been one of the best investments I have done for myself. It costs me a bomb but it is totally worth it. I find it easier that some one is planning the workout for me and watching me like a hawk while I do it. Most of the clients that I see at my training studio are older people and I get so motivated seeing them. My energy level has improved tremendously once I started training and my mood is a lot better.
    I don’t think I have any tips to share than what you have already shared in the post.
    – I eat some thing light(a banana or a smoothie) before working out. That helps me a lot and gives me energy to last through the work out.
    – I feel better when I am well hydrated, nothing new there.
    – Stretching helps a LOT. I do stretching exercises at home for about 20/30 mins if time permits. Thank you youtube!
    – Cardio workouts helped with my weight training.
    – My trainer asked me to keep a food journal. It is too much of work for me and I am not doing it 🙂 I do watch what I eat and try to eat clean for the most part.
    – Wearing good quality airy workout clothes lifts up my mood.
    Yes, health is wealth!!

  14. Thank you for your post.loved reading each and every word of it..
    Best written post on fitness tips i have ever come acrossed in recent times..

  15. Hi rati,

    You are amazing, first of all….☺️

    I have knee pain lil bit.,, Dr. advices me excersies aswell that i am doing.. And have to losse weight aswell… Once i start gyming it starts giving me pain… (You also discussed once abt ur knee issue in ur blog)

    Can you help me , what i can do…. Weighting increasing like anything…????????????????

    Amreen zaidi

    1. i used to get physiotherapy done amreen. and then take rest. also i have avoided running very fast for the longest time. still i only jog and once in a while a run.

      may be you could also consult a nutritionist. a lot of time we women have hormonal issues that we mostly are not aware of. hope that helps. 🙂

  16. Loved reading the post Rati. I actually enjoy my delicacies in bites 😛 I mean I have one bite or half now and save the rest for next time. Also I get bored too easily so I’m enjoying a combo of Yoga and different kinds of workout (Did a basic capoeira the other day, was fun!) all in the comfort of home. Hope this keeps me regular.

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