10 Effective Ways to Prevent, Treat and Cover Razor Bumps and Scars

Hi my beautiful ladies,

How have you all been doing? Shaving is the quickest way to achieve a smooth, hair-free skin. However, razor bumps, razor burns, black spots and ingrown hair are some of the common side effects. Razor bumps occur due to the usage of very sharp blades and lack of shaving lubricant, whereas razor burns occur due to the usage of blunt blades. Improper shaving methods also lead to ingrown hair, dark spots and bumps.

10 Effective Ways to Prevent, Treat and Cover Razor Bumps and Scars1

Therefore, here are some tips and tricks to prevent, treat and cover all the razor related problems.

1. Always Use a Good Razor:

Prevention is better than cure. One of the best remedies to prevent razor burns and bumps is to invest in a good razor. Invest in a good quality one, especially that comes with cushioning or moisturising strips. Also, make sure to change your razor blades periodically else you will have to apply more pressure while shaving.

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2. Use a Shaving Gel or an Equivalent Alternative:

Ladies, always remember that shaving dry skin is a big no. While it may seem tempting to grab that razor and reach out for a quick dry stroke, shaving without creams or gels is the biggest culprit when it comes to causing ingrown hair, razor marks and burns. Therefore, lather it up with gel, cream or whichever medium you like to get a smooth and hassle-free shave.

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3. Soften your Hair:

Shaving your hair bluntly is one of the most common reasons behind razor bumps and ingrown hair. Therefore, it is wise to soften your hair before you shave them with your razor. Always rinse your hair with warm water and apply a mild hair conditioner to soften your hair follicles.

4. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil, the miracle oil for pimples and acne can be your saviour to treat razor bumps and scars. It is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-scarring agents. Apply it on the affected areas after shaving to achieve the best results. However, make sure to mix it with a carrier oil of your choice.

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5. Aloe Vera Gel:

Razor burns are the itchy, reddening and burning sensation that you get after shaving with a blunt blade. It is the pre-step of razor bumps and marks, so it is essential to cool them down with a proper remedy. And, the cooling and soothing agent that works wonders in treating razor burns is aloe vera gel. Therefore, all you need to do is, apply freshly extracted aloe vera gel on the affected areas.

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6. Lemon Juice for Razor Marks:

Have you noticed the black marks that appear from the ingrown hair just after shaving? Even when you manage to get rid of the hair, the marks continue to remain for months. Therefore, an effective remedy that will help in clearing those razor marks is lemon juice. Lemon juice contains vitamin C and bleaching properties. When applied directly on the spots, it will help to lighten them to a great extent.

7. Coconut Oil for Bump-free Skin:

A lot of people use coconut oil as a substitute for shaving gel. Coconut oil with its healing and lubricating properties will help to treat razor burns, skin afflictions, dryness and skin inflammation caused by the razors. Therefore, use it to get a soft, shiny and smooth skin.

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8. Strawberry Paste:

Strawberry is not only a yummy fruit but, it is also an effective remedy for razor marks and bumps. This treatment is most effective when used immediately after shaving. Make a thick paste by mashing strawberries with cream and apply it on the affected areas.

9. Honey for Smooth Skin:

Honey is another age old remedy to cure razor bumps, marks and inflammation. Sometimes, the marks are caused by the bacterial invasion, so using honey can help to treat them well. Honey is rich in anti-bacterial properties, which make it a powerful ingredient for treating razor burns.

10 Effective Ways to Prevent, Treat and Cover Razor Bumps and Scars

10. Cover them with Makeup:

For the instant glam nights, when it is too late for home remedies and cures, use makeup to your rescue. Use a colour corrector depending on whether your marks are brown or red, and then conceal it. Make sure to blend it well, and finish by setting it with loose powder.

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