How To Treat Sun Damaged Skin

How To Treat Sun Damaged Skin

On my recent trip to Vizag Along with cherishing memories I got a prominent tan too which became a living nightmare in my life. Whatever I did the tan did not go! I was almost into tears when I compared myself with the pictures taken before the trip. There was a difference of day and night in the previous and recent pictures. I thought enough! Now I need to show the real me and geared up myself to remove the much hated tan.

I would be sharing much of the things which I have used to get rid of the tan. I also researched on how to treat the skin after the damage caused by sun as the skin becomes dry, patchy and completely dehydrated after enormous sun exposure.

sun damage

1) Take ½ cup fresh milk and ½ cup sour cream. Mix them into a paste and rub all over the tanned area and leave it like that for about an hour. That will cause itchiness but you need to tolerate as this acts as a bleaching agent. This will lighten the tan to a great extent after 3-4 applications.

2) Take 2 cups of fresh milk in a bowl and 4-6 slices of white bread. Dip the bread slice in the milk and rub the slice as it is on the tanned area and keep on rubbing till the bread is shredded into small crumbs. Again the yeast in the bread acts as a bleaching agent.

3) Another thing which helps greatly in tan removal is yoghurt. You can use it on its own or by mixing a few things. Take 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, ½ teaspoon turmeric and one cup plain or sour yoghurt. Mix all the things and rub the mixture on the affected area. Once the sugar granules melt leave it like that for 20 minutes and then wash off with plain water. Remember not to step out in the sun after doing this as turmeric will make your skin yellow and that in turn after sun exposure will make your skin dark.

sun damage

4) Oatmeal is one of those few things which come in handy for removal of severe tan. Take ½ cup oats powder, ½ cup sour yoghurt and 2-3 tbsp tomato/lemon/orange juice. Mix them and scrub the skin for a few minutes with this and leave until it dries off. Then wash with plain water. This can cause a bit tingling sensation because of the acidic nature of the ingredients but nothing bothersome.

5) Store some Aloe Vera leaves in refrigerator. Whenever you get time take out a small leave. Cut it and slit it open and apply the gel directly on affected area. Let it dry and wash it off with plain water. This if done regularly will make the skin soft and supple in addition to tan removal. Do not forget to clean the skin before applying Aloe Vera gel.

6) Take equal quantities of glycerin, lemon juice and rose water. Mix them and store in a bottle. After washing your skin before going to bed apply this mixture in place of your regular body lotion and night cream to get rid of the tan. This should be done regularly. The lemon juice will help lighten the skin color, the rose water will provide adequate hydration and glycerin will make it soft and supple.

7) Soak two cups of rice in water over night. In the morning drain out the water and make a paste in the grinder with adequate water. The paste should be of the consistency of a face pack. Store it in refrigerator. Before going to bed clean you face with your regular face wash and then take a spoon full of this paste, mix few drops of honey and few drops of lemon juice and apply evenly on the affected area. Let it dry and then pat the dried pack with water and scrub of gently in circular motions. Do this regularly and get a radiant, smooth and tan free skin. You can do the same by replacing rice with red lentils.


Try to follow all these procedures at night so that you can get the optimum results.

These are some of the things which I followed and have reduced my tan considerably in just a short span of 7 days.

Hope these tips help you too!!!!

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11 thoughts on “How To Treat Sun Damaged Skin

  1. This article is meant for people like me 🙂 i tan very easily even after applying sunscreen 🙁 all d tips are easy and could be follwed at home. great article pallavi i will try ur tips as many as possible 🙂

    1. i have added dis article in my favorites 😀 but i dnt understand what is sour cream and in fresh milk we have to use d milk which is boiled or d one which is not boiled..!

  2. have a question does those help with an old burn? one year ago I did wax my eyebrows by a hairdresser but I got a severe rash from it. Now every single time the sun go in the part between my forehead and brows it start to swell and gets really red and itchy ( where she did wax my brows) .

  3. This article is really informative for me. I have a big time tan on my back and i have already consulted so many doctors and the parlours and nothing helped out as the tan is really dark and it looks so bad because of which I am unable to wear deep necks and otherwise my complexion is a bith fairer.Lets try these things too and I will see the changes.
    Thanks again for sharing this info.

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