Lose Weight the Healthy Way

By Raveena S.

Often being pretty is compared with being skinny or thin and yes I know that pretty comes in all sizes. Myself being a chubby girl (better and good word for fat 😛 ). I know how it feels to be “chubby”. Since two years I am on a constant battle of losing weight, but I just wouldn’t be able to control myself from all those tasty burgers. However, now I am finally losing some weight.

lose weight healthy


I often idolized Alia Bhatt and Sonakshi Sinha. I mean look at Sona she lost all those 30  kilos and look how good she is now. I have experienced this myself that when you lose weight you have that sexy confidence in you that you are the prettiest girl in this world. Though losing weight is not just about looking pretty. It also about saying goodbye to all those dreadful diseases caused by weight, be it diabetes or asthma.

So, if you want to lose weight you can’t just Google up diets, they just don’t work. I have experienced it myself, all I used to do was Google up best diet to lose weight, does fruit diet help you lose weight, loose 10 kilos in a month and all those things. But, the end result of all these diets was that it made me feel tired and weak. It made me gain rapidly immediately when I am off that diet. So, one thing you need to remember is that crash diets are not a long term solutions. Obviously they just work in exception cases like in an emergency. SO STAY AWAY FROM CRASH DIETS.

lose weight healthy

It seemed that there was absolutely nothing which would inspire me to lose weight; yes I would feel bad looking at my flabby tummy in those skin hugging tops or looking at my double chin. However, all that was temporary. All my friends were of my type that is chubby, and no I didn’t select them purposely. I used to feel a pang of jealousy when I used to see those skinny girls eating burgers and still not gaining weight. I used to literally shout (in my head) “oh god why me with a slow metabolism rate”. I took the metabolism rate as an excuse for almost everything. But, the truth was metabolism is something which improves. Obviously it will speed up if you want it to and yes you would need to lead a disciplined lifestyle to lose that stubborn weight and yes exercise too.

You need to remember that you are not going to lose that fat easily. You have gained it over a period of time. So, you will need time to lose it. Don’t immediately accept to lose weight with an hour of cardio. Do that for a week and then see the results.

lose weight healthy

Following is an Indian diet, which I followed. It is not subscribed to me by a dietician or anything. I devised it according to my needs and my daily physical activity.


1 Bowl of oats with dry fruits (avoid cashew nuts) or 1 glass of milkshake.


Any fruit, avoid mangoes


1 chapati, with any veggies and dal.


Suka bhel or tea with 2 Marie biscuits


Same like lunch and dal raita.

I make sure that I drink my green tea 3-4 times a day. The last meal of the day should always be before 8; so that your body has ample of time before you sleep to digest all the food. If you are hungry after 8 have a glass of milk or any fruit. I immediately have my breakfast within half an hour of waking up because your body is starving since yesterday. You need to fuel it up, which will help you metabolism rate to go up for the rest of the day. Make sure to reduce your salt consumption and after 8 strictly avoid salt. Also cut down on sugar. I always keep Sunday as my cheat day, where I gorge upon all my burgers and fries.


lose weight healthy

It is a must that your body must have some kind of physical activity. It doesn’t necessarily mean joining a gym. You can do that at home; of about 45 minutes of cardio. This can include: jogging, walking, aerobics, dancing etc…. Also, stretching is very important. To tone your muscles, weight training can be done on alternate days. It speeds up your fat burning process and also tones up your body. Just two dumbbells can help you.

I do the Bipasha Basu’s Breakfree and Unleash aerobic workout. It burns around 250-300 caoriesl in half an hour. Also, I love doing Pump it Up Ultimate Dance workout. However, it is pretty intense, so I do it only on weekends. It burns around 500-600 calories and can differ from person to person. Though, depending on the heart rate.

lose weight healthy

If you follow this you can lose about 4-7 kilos in a month. I have lost it. So, all the best and let me know about your journey. I was above 80 and now about 70 and still losing.

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

How To Lose Weight The Healthy Way
10 Golden Rules to Weight Loss
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How to Lose Weight With PCOS
How to Lose Weight in One Month- Diet Chart for Weight Loss (Part 2)
Grocery List For Those Who Want To Lose Weight
Easy and Effective Ways to Lose Weight
How to Lose Weight in 4 Weeks- Diet Chart for Weight Loss
How To Gain Weight The Healthy Way
6 Easy Ways To Keep Fit During Diwali
Foods Which Can Help You in the Weight Loss Process
10 Easy Ways for a Healthy Lifestyle Part 2


15 thoughts on “Lose Weight the Healthy Way

  1. Try Kayla itsines exercise workout. It works wonders. I hav lost inches off my waist. Its a 12week workout. Totally doable and thy hav diet plan also with it.

  2. hey jasmine congrates on your weight . Even i used to do bipashas workout and yes these work outs work pretty well in weight loss. What exercises do you do for your hands. I have so much fat at my triceps ( flabby arms ). What should i do to reduce those. Plz help me out

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