Patanjali Divya Rose Water Review

Patanjali Divya Rose Water Review

I have read enough of the blog to know just about everyone here uses rose water. After the re-vamping of the Dabur’s Gulabari, well, I was left with no choice, but to find an alternative. There is no Fab India here (I know, I know, I live in a village!!), so, I decided to go and buy this product from Baba Ramdev’s Divya Pharmacy.

divya gulab jal

It is a clear liquid but the SA informed me that you can find tiny pieces of rose petals at times. Anyway, the bottle I bought didn’t have any pieces. The smell was that of the roses of Indian variety, you know the ones that climb like a vine. They are usually called Desi Gulab, although, I am not sure if they are used as an ingredient.

What it Costs:
Rs. 25 for 120 ml bottle. I had to keep myself from buying 2 more bottles of it!

12 months. The label also says that it is 100% vegetarian.

What it Contains:
Gulab Ark, Ark literally means essence. It also says that no preservatives have been added. Actually, it read manak swaroop sanrakshak rahit. Go figure! 😛


What Can it be Used For:

On the label it says, meant for cleansing, moisturizing and can be used for all kinds of face packs.

What Does it Do?

I don’t need to tell you how can this be used, all of us have been using rose water for succccch a longgggg time. On using it, my skin felt fresh and I didn’t feel uncomfortable in any way, so their claim of no preservative must be true. You can use it for your dark circles as well.


Pros of Patanjali Divya Rose Water

All I can say is 25! 25! 25! for rose water and no preservatives.

Cons of Patanjali Divya Rose Water

As you can see, the bottle has a stopper, which you have to pull out every time. I will suggest either piercing it or transferring the contents to a spray bottle.

Other User Reviews

divya gulab jalI picked this up during my India trip along with many beauty products. It is a multipurpose gulab jal which is way mild on my weird oily skin as well as eyes. I usually use 2 drops of this gulab jal on my eyes every night as it helps to clear cornea of our eyes and make it clear white. Even the cotton pads soaked in this gulab jal help a lot with stressed eyes and puffy eyes in my case. And it never irritated my eyes while I also use it in almost all homemade face packs and masks apart from using it as my all time toner. It soothes my skin and refines my pores temporarily along with other natural ingredients. It can also be used in anti-tanning treatments or face masks to relieve pain or redness. I also use it in preparing vitamin c at home and it gives the perfect consistency to my serum and not to forget the heavenly aroma & soothing calming effect of gulab jal. Even it is safe enough to be used in cooking as I use it while making non-vegetarian and vegetable biryani apart from using it in my desserts and ice cream recipes even it tastes so good when used in fruit smoothies and/or shakes. I am happy that I have enough stock of this gulab jal with me till my next trip to India. I highly recommend this gulab jal to everyone.- Neetu T Lohani

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Rose Water- Dabur Gulabari, Fab India


18 thoughts on “Patanjali Divya Rose Water Review

  1. For 25 bucks, its really a good purchase O:)

    But I didn’t get the point ‘revamping of Dabur Gulabari’? What’s that? :stars:

        1. Initially, Dabur used only Rooh Gulab in their rose water but now they use rooh gulab and tonnes of fragrance and another tonnes of chemicals and colours(in case of gulabari freshner). Rati wrote a post about it as well.The bottle is still the same but the ingredients are not! :struggle:

          1. yeah true. 🙂 infact it quite burns my eyes. the pink packaging one. i almost begged the shop keeper to take it back. :spank: :spank: :spank:

  2. Hi Maansi! Short and sweet review…I’m using this and i like it.
    And yes Rs. 25 is just as good as it gets :D. I agree the packaging is not that good…i transfer the contents in my old Khadi rose water bottle.

  3. it smells great.and doesnt make my already slippery oily :yikes: skin more oily like dabur gulabari.but the patanjali chikitsalaya from where i get their products , dsnt hv supply of this for last 2 weeks :waaa:

  4. nice review, i tried fab india rose water and dabur gulabari as a toner,both dint suit my skin. in fact i used to get tiny eruptions on my face. dont know what to do with two bottles of rose water lying idle in the shelf. any suggestions ?:)

    1. hi tanu if rose water itself is not suiting you it’s best to toss off the bottles. or may be you can add a little rose water in your bath bucket everyday and try to finish it up.:)

  5. I am currently using Sahul Rose water & the packaging is just the same. ….At Rs 25, this sounds great. In fact now, that the weather is changing, I plan to skip my TBS tea tree oil toner with rose water :rose: :rose:

  6. I used Patanjali Gulab jal on my face as a toner regularly. It is nice & does its job, but I could not make out any difference b/n Patanjali & Dabur gulab jal. I dont know which one is better 🙂

  7. I have one question. My skin is oily (I think) but after washing my face it looks dry untill I do not apply any lotion. If I will apply this rose water instead of lotion, will it end up with pimples on my face ? Even I cannot try any lotion just because of pimples. Also can you suggest some good sunscreen for oily skin and facial ?

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