Top 10 Weight Loss Strategies that Actually Work

Hello fitness freaks,
Everyone who has tried to lose weight has given up more than once. I, for one, have given up more than I can remember. Every time when I come home, I put on weight and I find it so difficult to lose once I go back. Coming back home makes me lazy and all the good food (yum!), but this time I’m trying new things. I remembered how I lost a lot of weight few years back with hula hooping, so I’ve started that. It is also so much fun and in just half an hour, you can burn a good amount of calories. I’ve combined that with few more exercises. Let’s get smart about losing weight, ladies.
Top 10 Weight Loss Strategies that Actually Work

1. Fat burning fat

There is more than one kind of fat. There is the white one which we all want to get rid of and then there is brown fat. Brown fat helps in torching calories. It consists of mitochondria, the part of cells that generates heat. When activated, it can gobble up a lot of body’s calories. Exercise is one of the best ways to activate this fat. It releases irisin which converts white fat into brown fat.

2. Mood to lose

say no to junk food
We often come across situations when our friends or family are divulging in a dessert and we give in. Women are more likely to give in to people pleasing than men because men are more assertive and women are supposed to be “nicer”. Stay firm on your ground and just a polite “no” will make your peers understand.

3. License to splurge

When we do an activity which is healthy and we are disciplined, like a good workout, we tend to indulge ourselves. This is called licensing. We tend to balance things out. This can be avoided by being alert and taking examples from the previous instances when we failed.

4. Chew on it

Take time to chew your food. Don’t gobble. The longer you chew your food, the faster it breaks down and releases nutrients and sends signals to the brain of being full. Chewing your food for longer produces lesser of ghrelin, an enzyme which makes you feel hungry and more of peptides which makes you feel less hungry. It is recommended to chew your food at least 40 times.

5. Outsmart your appetite

healthy foods
When we crave fried food, desserts and chocolates, it’s not our will power to blame. Our bodies have been trained to crave rich foods, the foods which make us feel orgasmic. The next time when we feel such a way about a particular food, start thinking about the benefits of not eating that particular dish. Also, snack on foods to keep your glucose level under control to keep yourself energized and to avoid foods.

6. Get back to nature

You are likely to stay slimmer if your workout area has an outside view. It helps the psychological aspect of the brain while working out and also you’re likely to feel more enthusiastic after your workout.

7. Keep moving

Sitting or lying around all day puts pressure on your cells and they tend to spread. If you have a sitting job, take a walk for 5 minutes every hour. Go talk to your colleagues and keep moving every hour. It’ll be best for your overall health.

8. Go green tea

Green tea has been said to be beneficial for weight loss. It has caffeine in amounts which is required by the body and also it produces ECGC which reduces fat absorption. It also increases the amount of fat being eliminated from the body.

9. Physically active

Some of us have the ‘fat gene’. This requires us to be physically active to beat that fat gene. Work and sweat it out. It’ll take time, but you’ll achieve what you want.

10. Vitamin D

vitamin d rich food
Pop Vitamin D! People with higher vitamin levels tend to lose weight faster than people low on it. It also boosts the effectiveness of leptin, the hormone which makes you feel full faster.

Let’s get working girls!

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