Best Oils To Use For Oil Cleansing Method

Best Oils To Use For Oil Cleansing Method


Yesterday, I had posted a query put forth by Tara about Oil Cleansing Method here.  I was so inspired by all the comments made by our lovely readers that towards the end of the day, before hitting the bed, I tried OCM for myself and believe me when I say that it worked like a charm! I have a terrible skin type on which breakouts are triggered by everything and anything, but when I woke up today after doing the OCM the night before, there was not a single breakout and my face was not stretchy or dry. I would also like to mention that I had kept the oily concoction on my skin for around 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. If you are clueless about this method, you should read these two great posts here and here by Neha and Somreeta respectively. They have explained in great detail the method and how to go about it. Oils are great to dissolve off all types of makeup and impurities. Oil cleansing may sound a lot complicated, but believe you me, its not at all time consuming and very easy, and you would be doing it the natural way, removing all trace of makeup off your face without the use of chemicals.  The USP of oil cleansing method is that it clears all impurities and makeup from the face without stripping the skin off moisture (unlike cosmetic makeup removers) and in fact providing skin nourishment and hydration. Let’s take a look at the oils which are commonly used in this method. You can mix two or three of these oils together. While castor oil should be the permanent oil for the OCM, you can always add in more oils like these (you would notice that almost all of these oils are anti-bacterial and anti-microbial in nature).

Castor Oil:

Castor oil is rich in vitamin E, Omega 6 essential fatty acids, as well as other vitamins and minerals, and thus beneficial for hair, skin, and nails. Castor oil acts as a great cleanser and has anti-bacterial properties. This oil nourishes and moisturizes skin. Since it softens skin, it can be used to get smooth skin. Also aids in detoxification. It softens and calms down irritated skin. Since castor oil has anti-oxidant properties, it protects the skin from the damage caused by free radicals. It also aids in wrinkle reduction and gives your skin a youthful appearance.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

olive oil

Olive oil is rich in linoleic acids or vitamin F.  Olive oil traps moisture in the skin thus providing the necessary hydration and moisturization, in turn making skin healthy. Olive oil also contains polyphenols which are antioxidants which helps in treating free radical damage that causes premature ageing.

Coconut Oil:

Though I am not a great fan of coconut oil on skin, it is an excellent moisturizer. Coconut oil is rich in linoleic acid, polyphenols, iron, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K.

Almond Oil:

Oil cleansing with almond oil

Almond oil improves the health of hair and skin. Almond oil is rich in vitamin A, B, D, and E. This oil gets quickly absorbed into the skin and helps in healing and hydrating skin. Almond oil has emollient properties which softens skin. Massaging it regularly into the skin will even out skin tone and improve complexion. Almond oil is used in a lot of cosmetic cleansers too.

Sunflower Oil:

Sunflower is an excellent moisturizer and is especially good for dry and flaky skin. Sunflower oil is high in vitamin A, C, D, E, B1, B5, hence it aids in healing damaged skin. Sunflower oil is also believed to be antibacterial in nature, hence preventing skin infection.

Jojoba Oil:

Jojoba oil for skin

Jojoba is great for all skin types, contains vitamin E, B and is rich in minerals, zinc, and promotes healing. It has antimicrobial properties and makes skin soft and smooth. Jojoba oil is believed to have the ability to treat acne by reducing sebum production and because of its anti-microbial activity.

So, choose the oils from this list and happy OCMing 😛

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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20 thoughts on “Best Oils To Use For Oil Cleansing Method

  1. Hi jomol di. Nice article . I m 22 with combination skin with oily t-zone which has started getting pimple these days. I dont know why in winters this is happening. I hv some pimple marks and not a smooth skin. Can I also follow this OCM??????

  2. Jomol very nice post *thankyou*
    Even I have combination skin, and yeah those breakouts . *spank*
    I went thruogh Neha and Soumeetra’s post too. Very informative. Just 1 question. As we are not supposed to use face wash or any cleasing agent while doing OCM, please tell me if we have some make up on, wnt it get absorbed alongwith the oil???

  3. Hi Jomol di,
    I have one doubt.. I posted it on Tara’s query also but no one answered *waiting*
    it may be a stupid one but pls help..
    I thot castor oil promotes hair growth because it is advised to use it on eyelashes/eyebrows..
    so if we using it on face, wont it affect facial hair.

    P.S I have oily skin..

    Also wat shud be the frequency of OCM…

    1. well good doubt. In that sense, almost all oils mentioned here are good for hair and skin as well. can anyone clarify this? Your doubt started haunting me now..i need to know the answer *ghost*

  4. jomo I cant wait to try this out with castor oil!!! I have tried this before with almond oil and olive oil but since you mentioned about the castor oil, I am going to give it a go *happy dance* *happy dance* *happy dance* *happy dance*

  5. You are inspiring me to try OCM jomol *thankyou* *thankyou* for this post. my oily skin has become super dry in this winter *cry* will give this a shot. But scared about the breakouts *scared* *scared*

  6. Jomol *announce* you are WANTED here with your valuable advice here.
    And if you happen to see this please do tell what oil combination you used??

  7. What a timing Jomol! Yesterday only after lot of reading n all I tried OCM and did it with 1:3 ratio but with a little amount! In fact my skin drank it up all but I still wiped off with the hot cloth 😛 😛 and felt good with clean and supple skin. Will try with more quantity now…and castor oil has become my new remedy-for-all product *happydance* *happydance* *thankyou* for putting this up!

    1. I tried with 1 part castor oil and 3 parts sweet almond oil for my normal skin which goes little dry in winters. Thinking to try with olive oil next… *hifive*

  8. I already tried this OCM before with virgin coconut oil, n my skin broke out badly, even after 6 months its on the way to recover. Each day a new pimple gets ready on my skin. So I just want to tell you all use it very carefully, if it suits you nothing can be better. But in my case I am still suffering.

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