Common Hair Wash Mistakes

Hi Everyone,

Every girl wishes for smooth, silky and shiny hair. But, many times we end up damaging our hair, since washing them can make them frizzy and lifeless. Today I am going to talk about the common hair wash mistakes we make and how we can avoid them. I have learnt these tips from my hair stylists and insomniac nights on the internet, so here it goes.

hair wash mistakes

1. Keeping the water temperature same throughout the wash:

If we use too hot water we’ll end up damaging our hair and if we use cold water our hair won’t get clean properly. So, the key is to start with hot water (but, not too hot) to wet your hair then massage with your shampoo and keep decreasing the water temperature slowly. If possible give a final rinse with cold water as this will impart a shine to your hair and prevent hair fall.

2. Using your palms for shampooing:

We tend to massage using our palms while applying the shampoo, this causes friction and leads to frizzy hair. Always use your fingertips in a circular and criss-cross motion to massage the shampoo on the scalp. This will clean the roots effectively and avoid frizzy hair. Also, use gentle hands even when you are trying to wash off oil.

Common hair wash mistakes

3. Using too much product:

This happens more often with the conditioner rather than shampoo. Always start off by using a little product and then add more if required. Using more amount than required will make your hair dry and dull.

4. Applying conditioner on wet hair:

If we apply conditioner on wet hair (I mean straight after rinsing off the shampoo) no matter which exotic product we are using, it’ll be a total waste. Always squeeze your hair with a towel to get rid of excess water before you apply your conditioner to get the maximum benefit from it.

Common hair wash mistakes

5. Applying conditioner on/near the scalp:

Applying conditioner on the scalp will lead to greasy build up and hair fall. Always start applying conditioner at the tips working your way upwards and stop two inches from the scalp. This will concentrate the product where it is required the most and will save you from greasy hair.

6. Using regular towel to dry your hair:

The texture of the regular towels we use can be harmful for our hair, causing frizzy hair. You can use an old oversize cotton t-shirt to dry your hair. I have been following this tip for past six months and it really helped me to control the frizzy hair. Search for an old t-shirt in your brother’s/ husband’s/ father’s cupboard and turn it in your hair towel. Or if you’re like me who often shops from the men’s section it won’t be a problem :p .

Common hair wash mistakes

7. Using a blow dryer:

Well while it’s best to let your hair air dry. It’s impossible to avoid blow drying sometimes. If you really have to use a hair dryer then towel dry your hair as much as possible (but, don’t rub them too hard) and apply a heat protectant. Again temperature plays an important role. Start with hot air setting and when you are done with styling use the cold air setting, this will lock your style in place.

8. Combing wet hair:

Always use a wide tooth comb and comb your hair in small lengthwise sections starting from the bottom instead of the top. Hold the sections to avoid tugging and breakage.

Common hair wash mistakes

Well that’s all the gyan I have about hair care. I hope these tips were helpful for you. Also, please share some of your favourite tips in the comments below.

Thank you. 🙂

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Common Hair Wash Mistakes
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8 thoughts on “Common Hair Wash Mistakes

  1. Great tips dear. I do follow all of them.
    One more tip from my side:

    Never apply shampoo directly on scalp. Dilute it with water and then apply.
    This is to reduce chemical side effects of shampoo on hair.
    Also, this way you need less quantity than when you use direct shampoo out
    Of the bottle.


    Take time to rinse off the shampoo and conditioner properly else
    It will lead to buildup and dandruff by blocking pores on scalp.

  2. Perfect timing of this post! Thank you loads. I have the most horrible time with my hair. I have had more bad hair days than good. Frizzy like hell. All the hair masks, conditioners in the world can’t save it (just been using it the wrong way i guess) i start the day well but an hour later (or if it’s windy) my hair is a mess and I end up wearing a clip (boringgggg)..this article I am sure will help a lot.

    Btw ladies, any tips/tools I can use to get non frizzy hair would be great. I wish I could post a pic to show 🙂

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