Silica: The Best-Kept Beauty Secret You Should Know

By Drishti Kumar

Hello ladies,

Our hair and skin are the first few things that people notice about us the most. So, it makes sense to keep these in a good condition. Our skin is a versatile organ that can tell us what is going on within our bodies. If we have a serious vitamin deficiency or illness it can be easily reflected through our skin. Apart from our skin, our hair too can tell a lot about what is going inside our body’s mechanism. For example, sudden loss of hair can ring an alarm bell in our minds and can be a sign of stress. Therefore, if you all want to improve your hair and skin then consider silica your new best friend. Without wasting anymore time, let’s find out what silica is and how it helps us.

What is silica?

Silicon is a naturally occurring element in nature and is abundant on the earth’s surface. Many forms of this element cannot be absorbed by our body and the form which is easily absorbable is known as silica. It is usually found in plant-based food items and is low in meats and other animal-based food items.

Production and maintenance of collagen

Silica is essential for the production and maintenance of collagen in our body. Collagen is a type of protein which is naturally present in our bones, tendons, cartilage and connective tissues of the body and makes up around 30 percent of our total body protein. As we age, the loss of hydration and the resulting damage to collagen elastin leaves us with dull, sagging, prematurely aged skin. Here, our new hero silica comes to rescue as it slows the degeneration of the skin and makes it able to retain moisture and maintain elasticity.

Other pros of silica

• Helps regenerate skin cells
• Delays the ageing process
• Strengthens hair
• Adds lustre and suppleness to hair
• Increases hair growth
• Regulates blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels

Natural sources of silica

Animal sources provide a lot less silica as compared to plant sources. Apart from this, the refining and processing of food items are quite common in today’s world and this has an adverse effect on silica content in food. Good food sources of silica can include unrefined or organic cereals, apples, cherries, almonds, oranges, fish, oats and seeds. Unfortunately, the silica that we get from food does not get fully absorbed by our body. Hence, our daily diet cannot provide enough silica. So, there is always a deficiency of silica in our bodies.

Other sources of silica

Now if our food items are not efficient in providing the adequate amounts of silica, should we resort to other artificial means like supplements and topical creams? Well, there are a lot of different supplements of silica available in the market today and, if taken in right doses, they can help our bodies in a variety of ways. When people start noticing these positive changes within themselves with the help of supplements, they can get hooked on to them. This habit might often lead to overdose and affect their bodies.

Cons of overdosing on silica

• Excessive urination
• Affects kidney function
• Frequent skin breakouts
• The body might stop responding to it after a while

Now that you are aware of what silica is, what it does and where you can get it from, go and reap its benefits but don’t go overboard with it, girlies. As it is wisely said that excess of even a good thing can lead to bad results. That’s all for today. Hope you found this article useful. 🙂

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