How To Make Ginger Infused Skin Nourishment Pack: DIY

How To Make Ginger Infused Skin Nourishment Pack: DIY

Hello Pretty Ones!

As I had promised, I am back again with another DIY, but this time, it is on skin care. I just reached home for my vacations after a long stay in hostel. As usual, I found myself quite tanned and with stretchy dry skin. I will be starting my beauty fixes from tomorrow.  So, just to prep up my skin, I scrubbed it properly and applied this pack which I am going to share with you all.

How To Make Ginger Infused Skin Nourishment Pack DIY

I had read many skin healing properties of ginger, but never actually used it in my skin care regime. I came up with lots of facts about ginger on internet which I would like to share with you all before I begin the DIY:

1. Ginger increases skin radiance and decreases inflammation and acne.
2. Ginger is an anti-oxidant which means it inhibits harmful skin radicals which cause ageing and other skin damages.
3. The antioxidant in ginger also promotes smoothness and evenness in skin tone.
4. It has the ability to lighten age spots.
5. Ginger tightens skin on regular usage.

Wow! Isn’t it? Yes, that was exactly my reaction. I immediately thought of using it for my skin care. Here is what you would need for the pack:

1. Fresh ginger.
2. Honey.
3. Rose water.
4. Clean bowl.

Step 1:

Take a piece of ginger and make a paste of it, like this.

Ginger Paste

Step 2:

Take a teaspoon of honey in the bowl.

Step 3:

Squeeze out the juice from the ginger paste and add a teaspoon of it into the honey.

Ginger Juice


Step 4:

Now, add a bit of rose water to the mixture.

Rose Water

Step 5:

Now, mix all these together with a clean spoon.

Honey Face Pack

Step 6:

It should look like this.

Step 7:

Now, dip your fingers into the mixture and massage gently onto your skin using circular motion. Leave on till its dry. You may store the mixture in fridge for the next day.


Step 8:

Wash off with plain water and find a fresh and moisturized face 😀

We all now know the properties of ginger, the honey will add the extra glow with the moisture boost and the rose water will tone your skin. I suggested my mom to use this pack daily for a month. I wanted to check the results when I returned home for puja vacations. My mom has very good skin but recently I noticed fine lines around her eyes and some age spots too, but when I returned home today, I saw that the lines have noticeably reduced and so have the spots! 😀 she is happy, so am I ! Now, I will use this regularly too for getting all these benefits of ginger.  I hope I have explained well and you will try this too.

Take care! And stay beautiful naturally 🙂 It smells heavenly too 😀

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66 thoughts on “How To Make Ginger Infused Skin Nourishment Pack: DIY

  1. wow..!! even though I consider myself pretty good at home face packs.. I must say that I have never tried ginger on my face. I always felt it would harm my skin and cause burns as it is a little chir-chira in nature. But after reading this, I have discovered another wonder. 🙂 Thanks dear!

  2. I love the smell of ginger but I’m allergic to honey… And how creative are you! Who would have thought of using ginger in a face mask.

  3. Hi Aparajita!
    I used Ginger honey n ocassionally black pepper powder mixture for my kiddo in case of cough n cold but this can be a face pack never thought of it! Shall give it a try …but i guess yo shouldnt have any minor cuts on ur face or else this pack would sting badly..right?

    1. yup nidhi.. i forgot to mention that… but then use the ginger juice sparingly. u can increase the amount of honey too 🙂 that should help

  4. Hey never knew ginger was good fr the face. Honey and rose water definitely suit me. 🙂 shud try ginger also. Is it only for dry skin?

  5. hey aparajita,
    this is new. thanks for enlightening us about ginger’s beauty benefits.
    i crave to try all the home packs u girls suggest but m scared because the only time i made a pack n used on my face. it broke me out badly.
    i hav sensitive skin but i dunno what exactly caused the reaction.

    wondering if i should try honey alone some day. m really tempted to try home made packs ..

  6. Seems interesting Aparajita. Thanks for sharing. Could you please let me know if it is suitable for sensitive skin types as well and also can you use it all the year round or only during winters since ginger has a warm base

    1. u can use it all year round kanika 🙂 just decrease the amount of ginger and increase honey and rose water if your skin is sensitive

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